AIIMS Association demands retina-based biometric amid Omicron scare

AIIMS Association demands retina-based biometric amid Omicron scare
Management had prescribed touch-based biometric stations
New Delhi, Nov. 30 (Delhi Crown): The Officers Association of AIIMS, Delhi, has written a letter to Director Dr Randeep Guleria asking him to do away with the finger-touch Bio-metric attendance system at the institute in the wake of rising Omicron variant scare in the city.
The Association suggested that in place of the finger-touch Bio-metric attendance system there should be a touchless retina-based bio-metric system with thermal monitoring.
Signed by Association’s president Ajeet Singh and General Secretary Ramesh Sharma, the letter stated that the Ministry of Electronics had designed such retina-based machines.
“Corona is still around us in more dreaded form. We suggest that in AIIMS, Delhi, which is an over-crowded public place so manual bio-metric system should be replaced with touchless retina-based bio-metric system,” said the letter dated Nov. 29.
Earlier, an Office Memorandum dated Nov. 22 had directed that adequate number of biometric stations should be placed in an outside/open air environment. Designated persons should be deployed near the bio-metric stations to clean/wipe the touchpad/scanner areas of biometric scanners frequently.